Das Trump-Attentat ist (leider) keine einmalige Eskalation
Der Politikwissenschafter Daniel Drezner zum Attentat auf Trump:
Anyone reporting on American politics and writing the sentence, “The illusion of security and safety in American politics – built over decades - has been dramatically shattered” in the wake of this shooting should not be allowed to write any more U.S. coverage without first taking at least three semesters of undergraduate American history courses. For god’s sake, one founding father killed another in a duel. Four U.S. presidents were assassinated while in office; another 13 were the targets of unsuccessful plots. In the past few years alone Gabby Giffords, Steve Scalise, and Paul Pelosi were the targets of politically-motivated attacks. Three years ago Vice President Mike Pence and the entire U.S. Congress were the target of a violent mob assault on the U.S. Capitol. There were 656 mass shootings in the United States in 2023 and another 261 in the first half of 2024. Seriously, that is the single-dumbest sentence I have read in the 24 hours after the Trump shooting — which is saying something given the idiocies being spouted on social media.
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